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Dundee-Crown Feeder Basketball

Dundee-Crown Feeder Basketball

Eligible Students

This program is for students in 5th - 8th grades that will be going to Dundee-Crown High School and intend on playing boys basketball.

Feeder Community

This Feeder program is a non-profit all volunteer organization. The Feeder basketball program is often the first opportunity for the Dundee-Crown High School coaches to be introduced to incoming student athletes.

The goal of the program is to generate interest and knowledge in the sport, develop skills and prepare future basketball players for the Dundee-Crown High School Boys Basketball program. Student Athletes will play/compete with their eventual high school teammates and meet their future high school coaches.

For our 7th and 8th graders, they get a chance to further build relationships and play with the students they often compete with (and against) in Middle School as one team. We draw from (3) Public Middle Schools (AMS,CMS,DMS) and several private area schools. A vast majority of AAU (Travel) Basketball players also play the Feeder program because it is a chance to compete with/against the top players and feeder teams in our Fox Valley Conference.

For our 6th Graders this is often their primary basketball season. They can create/continue relationships with future HS teammates prior to Middle School basketball. This is the primary area league for competitive mid-high level winter basketball. A vast majority of AAU (Travel) Basketball players also play the Feeder program because it is a chance to compete with/against the top players and feeder teams in our Fox Valley Conference.

For our 5th Graders, (8+) elementary schools and several area private schools. This is the primary area league for competitive mid-high level winter basketball. This is a great place to begin preparing for their respective Middle School basketball teams.


Coach Huber, the varsity coach at Dundee Crown, conducts the tryouts and selects the teams. Our tryouts are free. Players are evaluated and teams are constructed based on athleticism, basketball abilities/skills, attitude and effort. There is typically (2) separate days for tryouts and we reserve a 3rd day if needed. Prospective players are highly encouraged to attend both dates. Tryouts are scheduled later in the evening to accommodate multi-sport fall athletes.


Practices are typically (2) times per week with games on the weekends. Practices are typically from 7:30pm to 9:00pm as not to interfere with other sports at the High School. Practice locations are primarily at Dundee-Crown Fieldhouse although, especially later in the season, we will be targeting additional scrimmages and other local venues during the week.

The goal is to develop ball skills, game awareness and team play. Feeder players are introduced to the (grade appropriate) Dundee-Crown defense and offensive terminology, concepts, philosophy, and applicable game play strategies.


DC Feeder teams typically join feeder league(s), weekend invitational tournaments, round robins, as well as one off games with other area High School feeder programs and/or AAU (Travel) teams. The majority of our games are in our local Fox Valley area though we may play a few games as far away as Plainfield/ Bolingbrook/ Naperville and/ or Southern Wisconsin. Those further away games are a way of playing different teams that we don’t consistently see. With the more distant game locations we nearly always play multiple games.

Our teams each have between 9 & 12 players. The number of teams are constructed at each grade level is based on turnout and coaching commitment and playing levels.  There are only 5 active playing spots at a given time. Unlike the area Middle School programs, DC Feeder our goal is to play everyone, every half. We are trying to win every game we play and will make line-up decisions at key points in the game to affect that outcome. That said, we are a teaching organization that strives balance development and love of the game with what is best for the team competitiveness. Playing time minutes may not always be at the desired position and will likely not be even. Playing time is earned through effectiveness at their roles.

Typical Costs

We anticipate costs will be consistent with other years targeting $425.00 (including uniforms) for 4+ months of basketball and minimally 20 to 25+ games.

DC Feeder Basketball is 100% volunteer non-profit organization. The vast majority of the money collected goes to the games themselves. As a rough guideline to budget allocation tournament / league fees / referee costs is 80% of the budget followed by 15% for uniforms and 5% for ancillary expenses & fees. 

Typical Schedule Dates

Tryouts: Mid-October
Practices Start: Mid-November
Games Start: Mid-December
End Of Season: Mid-Late March (done before Spring Break week)


Dundee-Crown Feeder Basketball
1500 Kings Rd 
Carpentersville, Illinois 60110

Phone: 847-525-8234
Email: [email protected]

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